How To Get A Better Haircut

Do you have a friend who always seems to come out of the barber's shop with an amazing haircut, while you always seem to get results that are just okay? You may want to try a different barber. Some are simply better at working with different types of hair or creating certain haircuts. However, regardless of which barber you choose to hire, there are also a few tips that you can follow for a better haircut.

1. Bring photos with you.

Bring some pictures with you that show the type of haircut you are after. This will ensure the barber can easily understand what you want from a haircut. It's easier to show a photo and say "I want the sides to look like this" than to try to describe the side look you desire in words. Words are easily misunderstood and misconstrued. It's okay to bring photos that do not show the specific haircut you want, but just an aspect of it. For instance, you may bring a photo that shows how you want the top and another photo that shows how you want the sides.

2. Be open and friendly.

When you sit down in the barber's chair, be open and friendly with the barber. If they can get to know you a little as a person, they will have an easier time crafting not only the haircut you want but a haircut that melds with your personality. They'll also feel more comfortable asking you questions, and the answers to those questions can help guide the haircut.

3. Ask what is realistic for your hair.

Everyone's hair is different, and there is a chance the cut you want is not compatible with your hair. So, ask the barber about this. If they remark that the haircut you want is not the best for your hair, see what else they recommend. 

4. Go in for haircuts more often.

It's a good idea to have your hair cut every 4 - 6 weeks. Having it cut often ensures that it still has a little of its shape when you go back to the barber's shop, which makes it easier for them to follow along with the previous cut and give you the same, consistent look over time.

If you follow the haircut tips above, you will have an easier time getting an awesome look at your local barbershop. For more information about haircut services, contact a local barber.
