2 Surprising Skills You Can Learn In Esthetics School

If you would like to attend esthetics school, yet worry that you will grow tired of performing facials and other skin treatments alone, then you may be surprised to hear that many esthetics school programs teach students much more than just skin care. In fact, these schools typically offer well-rounded programs that teach students how to perform many additional treatments offered in spas and salons. 

Read on to learn about two surprising skills you can learn in esthetics school. 

1. Non-therapeutic Massage

Many new esthetic students are surprised to learn that they will learn a variety of non-therapeutic massage techniques during their programs because they think that only licensed massage therapists can offer massage services. However, while in most states only licensed massage therapists can offer therapeutic massage designed to improve the symptoms of health conditions, non-therapeutic massage laws vary greatly throughout the country. That's because this massage type does not aim to treat any illness. 

While massage types students learn during non-therapeutic massage classes in esthetics school can vary greatly, these schools often teach students the art of facial massage so they can perform relaxation facials. A relaxation facial typically begins with a facial massage that stimulates circulation in the face, although a neck and shoulder massage may also be included in this service. 

Many esthetics school graduates enjoy offering relaxation facials and other relaxation massage services that help relieve other stresses as well. 

2. Aromatherapy

Another skill often taught in esthetics school is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the art of using natural plant extracts, typically in the form of essential oils or scented bath and body products, to promote well-being. For example, the scent of lavender essential oil is believed to promote relaxation of the body and mind while citrus scents, such as bergamot, are believed to help energize people obtaining aromatherapy treatments. 

While aromatherapy consultations where you teach clients about proper essential oils are offered in salons, you can also use the aromatherapy education you obtain in esthetics school to incorporate aromatherapy into your salon services. For example, you can add essential oils to massage oils when providing relaxation massage or fill an oil diffuser with a special aromatherapy scent chosen for each client to help them relax during a facial or other spa treatment. 

The practice of aromatherapy is not regulated in the United States, so you do not need a special aromatherapist's license to practice this art after you attend esthetics school. 

Esthetics school students greatly expand their knowledge of skin anatomy, skin care services, and even cosmetic chemistry when completing their programs. However, today's esthetics schools offer well-rounded educations and often include relaxation massage and even aromatherapy classes in their curriculums. For more information, contact a program like Mitsu Sato Hair Academy
